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After his viral racist rant, Aaron Schlossberg's law office lost its lease

Aaron Schlossberg has spent years showering his fellow New Yorkers with racist abuse, but it wasn’t until he went on an unprovoked racist tirade against a server and customers at a restaurant near his law office that he became infamous.

Now he’s going to need a new law office. He had been renting space in a Corporate Suites business center at 275 Madison Avenue, but his landlords have thrown him out because he is a despicable garbage person and they don’t want his money.

It’s not just his landlord: the security guards at 275 Madison told the New York Post that they don’t ever want to see him again, stating, “I’ll throw my shoes at him. We’re all hungry for him. If it was up to me I wouldn’t let him in. We all want to bury him one way or another.”

“We have terminated his services agreement with us,” Hayim Grant, the president of Corporate Suites, which operates the business center, told The Post Thursday, adding that he was “completely shocked” by the nearly minute-long clip.

“His actions are just not consistent with our community and rules and regulations … It’s totally contrary to everything we believe in as a company and personally.”

Racist lawyer kicked out of his office space [Ruth Brown, Natalie Musumeci and Elizabeth Rosner/NY Post]

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