Watch a hyperlapse review of Europe's wintry wonderland

Winter Time - A Hyperlapse Film 4K

Winter Time - A Hyperlapse Film 4K Watch this video on YouTube. Spring has finally arrived, and JF1LMS is celebrating by releasing a hyperlapse of some great footage shot all…

Spring has finally arrived, and JF1LMS is celebrating by releasing a hyperlapse of some great footage shot all winter in the Slovak village where he grew up, all shot manually in bitter cold. Crank it up to 4K.

He says this is his first hyperlapse:

I like nature in all seasons, but especially in winter, when everything is under white blanket. And Winter in 2017 was extraordinary cold, therefore I decided to take a pictures of this beauty, when it was possible every day and night in January and February.

Some shots were taken in -20 °C and my fingers and toes almost froze up, particularly in some long hyperlapse scenes, when was no time for break 3 or 4 hours. It was extremely hard work and exhausting for me. I didn´t have such experience before, but it was quite challenge and motivation.

I wanted capture that magic moment with night sky hyperlapse in middle of the night when people sleep, which was my primary goal to achieve. I know that movement of the stars and stabilization in some shots is far from perfect, but at least, I tried it and I´m happy to share my frosty piece with you.

The sound effects are a bit ham-handed, which is unfortunately often the case with this genre, so crank those down.

Winter Time – A Hyperlapse Film 4K (YouTube / JF1LMS)