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Ron Howard narrates 'Star Wars' in the style of 'Arrested Development'

Arrested Development: Star Wars with Ron Howard! | The Star Wars Show

Not only is Ron Howard the narrator (and an executive producer) on the Arrested Development, he’s also the director of the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story. So, it was only natural that the two entities got combined somehow, especially since they both have end of the month release dates**.

Enter Star Wars: A New Hope, a clever parody that melds the music, narration, and editing style of the popular sitcom with the story of Star Wars.

It begins, “Now the story of a family that wants to rule the galaxy and the one son who had no choice but to save it.” (The original narration began, “Now the story of a wealthy family who lost everything and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together.)

**Season 5 of Arrested Development begins on May 29 on Netflix. Solo: A Star Wars Story opens in theaters on May 25.

(Blame it on the Voices)

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