Beethoven, but EPIC

Beethoven Like You've Never Heard Before

Beethoven Like You've Never Heard Before Watch this video on YouTube. Sure, "Moonlight Sonata" is one of the loveliest songs for a reflective and pensive moment, but what if it…

Sure, "Moonlight Sonata" is one of the loveliest songs for a reflective and pensive moment, but what if it were covered in a FREAKIN' EPIC arrangement?

Even Beethoven would have been able to hear the EPICness.

Not EPIC enough? Perhaps Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev are more to your liking:

Romeo And Juliet Like You've Never Heard Before

I'm obligated also to point out the title of the videos raise the ugly specter of the "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should" grammar kerfuffle.

Winston - Taste Good Like A Cigarette Should!

Beethoven Like You've Never Heard Before (YouTube / Epic Music World)

Image: Pexels