Revenge of the Laughable Bumblefucks: Rob Ford's brother admits that actors were hired to pretend to be his supporters at rally

Doug Ford is the leader of the Ontario Provincial Party, a job he got through outright fraud; and it's only getting better: on Monday night, Ford — brother of the…

Doug Ford is the leader of the Ontario Provincial Party, a job he got through outright fraud; and it's only getting better: on Monday night, Ford — brother of the dead, disgraced, crack-addicted, racist, sexist, rapey, violent, lying former mayor of Toronto Rob Ford — showed up for a leadership debate in Toronto, cheered on by throngs of supporters, who turn out to have been paid actors pretending to be Conservatives.

Ford says he didn't hire the actors. He says it was a "local candidate" and "it won't be continuing."

A Toronto performer says that he was offered a paid role as a supporter at the rally.

Devanshu Narang, background performer and Chair of the ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) Additional Background Performer Caucus, revealed to the Star on Monday that he, along with other actors, had been offered parts as Ford supporters at the rally.

In an email obtained by the Star, casting agency CastmeBG said they were looking for “20 people to play real people at a Ford nation rally (Doug Ford).”

“You will be wear T-shirts of the PC candidates (Ford and Cartwright),” the email continued. It offered $75 to actors, who were expected to be present from the start of the afternoon rally at 2 p.m. to the end of the debate at 8 p.m.

Doug Ford campaign confirms actors were hired to play the part of PC supporters at Monday’s debate rally [Inori Roy/Toronto Star]

(Image: Bruce Reeve, CC-BY-SA)