Kickstarting "Drawn to Sex": Oh Joy Sex Toy's sex-ed book

A couple months back, I was delighted to learn that the good, good people at Oh Joy Sex Toy were launching a sex-ed book aimed at explaining the basics, ins, outs, whats and wherefores of sex "for those looking to learn about sex and wince at our bad dad jokes."

Now I'm delighted to see that the kickstarter is live. The Oh Joy Sex Toy folks always deliver quality material, and a general sex-ed book is sorely needed and very welcome indeed. I'm getting it to leave lying around the house strategically as my kid ages into the need-to-know years (I may even deploy a tactical, "Now don't you go reading this, it's too mature for you" just to make sure she reads it).

$20 gets you the book. I backed it.

Have you ever had a question about sex, but didn’t know who to ask? Well, we've spent years learning about, talking about, and creating informative comics on a wide variety of aspects on sex on our weekly webcomic Oh Joy Sex Toy. Using comics, jokes, and frank communication, we're here to demystify the world of sex and answer your questions—including the ones you didn't know you had!

In The Basics, the first book of the Drawn to Sex series, we explore the practical side of sex, from what defines sex, to barriers, STI testing, masturbation, and the ins-and-outs (and ins-and-outs) of having sex with other people. All the fundamental stuff!

Pick up this fun book if you’re looking to learn something new, understand sexuality better, or know of someone who might benefit from some judgment-free education.

Drawn to Sex – The Basics [Erica Moen/Oh Joy Sex Toy]