Nova Scotia premier won't apologise for libeling teen who discovered massive data breach

In the wake of the Nova Scotia police fully exonerating the 19 year old who accidentally discovered an open directory full of compromising personal information belonging to Nova Scotians, you'd…

In the wake of the Nova Scotia police fully exonerating the 19 year old who accidentally discovered an open directory full of compromising personal information belonging to Nova Scotians, you'd think that Nova Scotia premier Stephen McNeil would apologise for having called the act "stealing."

Instead, McNeil refused to apologise; he's doubled down and reiterated the accusation.

"What I said was the information that was taken outside of government, it was taken outside of our government," McNeil said Tuesday.

"[It was ] downloaded off a site, information that was private information of individuals, onto a device."

McNeil won't apologize for comments about teen at centre of privacy breach [Elizabeth McMillan/CBC]

(Image: US Embassy Canada, CC-BY;
Alex Guerrero