UK's indie music fests vow to end plastic bottles and straws at events

The Association of Independent Festivals plans to take a step in the right direction on single-use plastic items with their Drastic on Plastic initiative. In measuring the UK festival footprint,…

The Association of Independent Festivals plans to take a step in the right direction on single-use plastic items with their Drastic on Plastic initiative.

In measuring the UK festival footprint, they estimate that 23,500 tons of waste gets generated, with audiences consuming 10 million plastic bottles annually. It's a great start to a massive problem, as they note "91% of plastic isn't recycled in the UK." Via their site:

38.5 million plastic bottles are used in the UK every day and 91% of that plastic is not recyclable. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, by 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.

Drastic on Plastic (AIF)

Image: Pexels