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Pennsylvania school district issues teachers billy clubs to combat gun violence

William Hall, superintendent of the Millcreek Township School District, displays one of the miniature bats given to teachers. via CNN

If a gun toting mad-person enters a classroom in Pennsylvania’s Mill Creek Township school district they’ll find themselves challenged by an army of billy club wielding school teachers!

Pennsylvania will soon likely have a shortage of school teachers and a lot of extra billy clubs laying around.

Via CNN:

After the shooting in Parkland, Florida, a school district in suburban Erie, Pennsylvania, began formulating a school safety plan. Among its measures: handing out miniature wooden baseball bats to all 500 of its teachers.

In an online message, Millcreek Township School District Superintendent William Hall said the bats “could be used as a tool against an active shooter just like any other item in the immediate room,” adding that they will remain locked in the classroom and “are only to be used/available in a hard lockdown situation.”

On social media, however, the idea is being roundly mocked.

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