Actually, James Comey is not your homie

"[T]he virtuous & forthright Comey resembles the degenerate & deceitful Trump. Both are the main characters in their own cinematic dramas… a mindset that blinds each of them to the…

"[T]he virtuous & forthright Comey resembles the degenerate & deceitful Trump. Both are the main characters in their own cinematic dramas… a mindset that blinds each of them to the consequences of their actions on other people." Adam Serwer brings the truth in this Atlantic piece on the James Comey book everyone's losing their goddamn minds about this week.

“The former FBI director has a low opinion of the president who fired him, but his disregard for Justice Department rules helped put Trump in the White House to begin with.”


Perhaps, Comey defenders might argue, the sensitivity of the Russia inquiry as a counter-intelligence investigation prevented him from disclosing anything about it. But the point isn’t that the Russia investigation should have been disclosed, but that the Clinton inquiry should not have been. The fact that the Trump inquiry was kept under wraps while the Clinton inquiry was not simply accentuates the importance of the Justice Department rules against making such announcements close to an election—rules that Comey broke for one candidate but not for the other.

'James Comey Is No Hero' The Atlantic [via]

[Amazon] A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership (April 17, 2018)