More DRM-bustin' stuff for the Catalog of Missing Devices, courtesy of EFF supporters

When EFF launched its Catalog of Missing Devices, we invited EFF supporters to come up with their own ideas for gadgets that should exist, but don't, because the Digital Millennium…

When EFF launched its Catalog of Missing Devices, we invited EFF supporters to come up with their own ideas for gadgets that should exist, but don't, because the Digital Millennium Copyright Act bans breaking DRM, even for the most legitimate of purposes.

Now we're delighted to publish the first batch of supporter-submitted ideas, a quintet of great ideas from Dylan Rodriguez, including the Software Scalpel (eliminate crufty UI elements from the apps you use every day!) to the Casting Corrector (use machine learning to insert your favorite actors into the movies you love).

Software Scalpel – Load up the Software Scalpel and start slicing and dicing your favorite application that just has too many menus, too many options, and a cluttered interface! Download interface remixes put together by other users and simplify your apps. Boil them down to concentrated goodness, with just the pieces you actually use!

Gamewriter – Now available for Xbox and Playstation platforms, coming soon for the Switch! Don't just play video-games, but make them yourself! Create and remix your own game variants! When you need more flexibility, use the included cable to connect your console to your laptop, desktop, or phone and use our easy toolset to develop your family's next hit game.

MovieMoxie – Insert the best comebacks of all time into conversations with your friends in just a blink! Quote your favorite film line in your SMS chats and we will retrieve the exact clip you're thinking of as a subtitled animated GIF and serve it up to your partner.

Trailer Twister – Point Trailer Twister at your favorite or not-so-favorite film and choose the genre you wish it had been and watch Trailer Twister generate a pitch-perfect rendition of the film that never was! Tickle your fancy with a trailer that makes Saw look like a rom-com or terrify them with thoughts of a darkly horrific Daddy Day Care!

Casting Corrector – Using the most recent advances in machine learning with generative neural networks, select your favorite actor or actress (or anyone you have several minutes of footage of!), a target film, and the character that SHOULD have been played by them and our servers will serve up an instantly recast version. Your mom in Serial Mom? Your dad as Rambo? No problem!

Entries for the Catalog of Missing Devices, courtesy of EFF supporters like you
[Cory Doctorow/EFF]