Boing Boing Staging

The best online white noise machine

There are various apps that purport to generate white noise, but the free ones I’ve tried have all been strange or skeevy, and YouTube’s a minefield of allcaps woo and bad ads. Turns out that the best place to get it is a website: NoiseMachines.

The white noise generator is perfect, with an equalizer, presets and options to save and share your own. (Here’s one I made for you that I’m calling “24 hours of bridge noise but something’s very wrong with the spaceship“)

But there’s also lots of sample-based blends of noise, too, such as thunder, vinyl scratches, generative piano music (my setting), data centers, binaural beats, etc.

The creator is Stephane Pigeon, a sound engineer with various other similar projects to enjoy.

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