When birds sound like heavy metal and hardcore vocalists

What Birds Do Metal Singers Sound Like?

What Birds Do Metal Singers Sound Like? Watch this video on YouTube. TIL two things: 1. YouTube is home to the world's only heavy metal-themed talk show. It's called Two…

TIL two things:

1. YouTube is home to the world's only heavy metal-themed talk show. It's called Two Minutes to Late Night.

2. Vocalists of all metal subgenres often shriek and squawk like birds. To prove it, the Two Minutes to Late Night host recently asked ornithologist Tom Stephenson of BirdGenie (an app that identifies birds by their sounds), "What Birds Do Metal Singers Sound Like?" He had no problem matching birds to their metal equivalent.

For instance, the (most-non-metal) bird expert (ever) identified the Northern Potoo as a close match to the screeching vocals of Converge's 2001 metalcore song "Concubine." Ok, sure.

(The Awesomer)