A hive of scum and villainy: meet the right-wing "Democrats" the DCCC is planning to win 2018 with

Ann Kirkpatrick cast the vote that kept Guantanamo Bay open and voted against cap-and-trade, and has been a consistent opponent of EPA air-quality measures; Jason Crow says he won't take…

Ann Kirkpatrick cast the vote that kept Guantanamo Bay open and voted against cap-and-trade, and has been a consistent opponent of EPA air-quality measures; Jason Crow says he won't take corporate PAC money, so instead he's funded by his law firm which lobbies for casinos, fossil fuel companies (he also opposed gun control after the Aurora shooting happened on his watch in his district, having received large sums from the gun lobby) and he's the beneficiary of Bain Capital's largesse; Paul Davis voted to bar cities from enacting gun control rules, and for a ban on the use of state funds to support gun control lobbying, he's supported drug tests for welfare recipients and a corporate tax cut during the recession.

Elissa Slotkin is a hereditary millionaire who is ex-CIA, ex-Bush National Security Council, ex-Obama Department of Defense, she participated in a coverup of Reagan-funded death squads in Central America; Brad Ashford introduced bills to lower corporate taxes and ban the hiring of undocumented workers, consistently voted with Republicans when he was in Congress (including voting for repeals of Wall Street regs and Obamacare, and for the Keystone XL pipeline), he supports DACA repeal, opposed the Iran deal, and doesn't want Gitmo to ever close, and supported a bill to allow racial discrimination in auto lending.

Jeff Van Drew has a 100% rating from the NRA and is lavishly funded by gun lobbyists, voted against raising minimum wage, against death-penalty abolition, for reviving the death penalty, against affordable housing quotes, in favor of pulling his state out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and introduced a state constitutional amendment requiring parental notification for teens having abortions; Millionaire Susie Lee owns seventeen homes and her own airplane; she voted against the Iran deal.

What do they all have in common? They're backed by the DCCC and/or the New Democrat Coalition and similar leading establishment "centrist" Democratic organizations as part of their "Red to Blue" strategy for flipping GOP-held seats later this year.

Just another reason you shouldn't give a dime to the Democratic establishment. Instead, support Our Revolution, the Great Slate and Brand New Congress.

Here’s Who the Democrats Want You to Vote for This November [Branko Marcetic/Jacobin]