VHS is making a comeback

Inside Video Vortex at Alamo Drafthouse Raleigh

Inside Video Vortex at Alamo Drafthouse Raleigh Watch this video on YouTube. Free VHS rentals are part of the planned fun at Video Vortex, a new venture by Alamo Drafthouse.…

Free VHS rentals are part of the planned fun at Video Vortex, a new venture by Alamo Drafthouse. The first one is under contstruction in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Like many of these experiments, it started from an unexpected problem. Via EW:

The collection of over 75,000 titles was originally purchased from Le Video Archive in San Francisco and was intended to live in the lobby of the San Francisco Alamo Drafthouse Cinema. But between acquiring the collection and opening the theater, the Mission neighborhood’s Lost Weekend Video lost their lease and needed a new home. Lost Weekend set up shop at the San Francisco Alamo, and the Le Video archive remained in storage until the right home for it could be found.

Inside Video Vortex at Alamo Drafthouse Raleigh (YouTube / Alamo Drafthouse)

Image: Bobby P.