Someone cut Tommy Wiseau's Joker performance into The Dark Knight

Tommy Wiseau as the Joker in The Dark Knight

Tommy Wiseau as the Joker in The Dark Knight Watch this video on YouTube. Remember when Tommy Wiseau dressed up as The Joker and delivered some iconic lines from The…

Remember when Tommy Wiseau dressed up as The Joker and delivered some iconic lines from The Dark Knight in his most-imitable style? The fine folks at Bup cut Tommy into the movie, and it's as hilariously horrifying as expected.

The interrogation scene is probably the best, but it's a great demonstration of the importance of good acting.

Bonus video: Tommy goes meta, breaking down a scene portraying his iconic performance from The Room in The Disaster Artist.

Tommy Wiseau Breaks Down a Scene from "The Disaster Artist" | Notes on a Scene | Vanity Fair

Tommy Wiseau as the Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) (YouTube / Bup)