How a photographer captured Elon's Tesla hurtling through space a million miles from earth

Starman cruising through space

Starman cruising through space Watch this video on YouTube. Deep-sky photographer Rogelio Bernal Andreo did the calculations, then managed to catch footage of Starman and the Tesla Roadster that were…

Deep-sky photographer Rogelio Bernal Andreo did the calculations, then managed to catch footage of Starman and the Tesla Roadster that were launched via the Falcon Heavy rocket.

After a couple of miscalculations, he got it right on February 10:

Since the Roadster is still fairly close to us, parallax is significant, meaning, different locations on Earth will see Starman at slightly different coordinates. I quickly recalculate, get the new coordinates, go to my images and thanks to the wide field captured by my telescopes… boom!! There it was!! Impossible to miss!! It had been right there all along, I just never noticed!

Here's the raw video:

Starman cruising through space (RAW VIDEO)

Starman cruising through space (YouTube / Rogelio Bernal Andreo)