Star from 1971 "Willy Wonka" surprised fans when he appeared on Jeopardy Only the biggest fans of the 1971 classic film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory were able to figure out that the actor who played the cowboys-and-TV-obsessed Mike Teevee…

Only the biggest fans of the 1971 classic film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory were able to figure out that the actor who played the cowboys-and-TV-obsessed Mike Teevee was a contestant on Jeopardy. I say "only the biggest fans" because never did host Alex Trebek or contestant Paris Themmen, now 58-years-old, ever mention his younger years as a child actor.

Introduced on Monday only as "an entrepreneur from North Hollywood, California," it took die-hard Wonka fans on Twitter to enlighten the rest of us.

Themmen came in second place with a prize value of $6800. Good job!

Willy Wonka Mike Teavee