Meet Twitchy, my new dashboard owl

A post shared by Jason Weisberger (@jlw) on

A post shared by Jason Weisberger (@jlw) on Mar 6, 2018 at 2:50pm PST Better than Jesus, this cute, solar-powered owl is twitching away on my dashboard. I've always wanted…

Better than Jesus, this cute, solar-powered owl is twitching away on my dashboard.

I've always wanted to have a bobblehead on my dash, and I still don't! This owl comes close tho! He twitches his center section about once every second, when in moderate to direct sunlight. As my '87 Vanagon shakes so much, and the suspension is rather whimsical, Twitchy doesn't need the sun to move around.

The marketing says Twitchy is 'dancing' but he seems to just be really, really edgy.

Solar Power Motion Toy – Owl, Dancing via Amazon

Image via Amazon