9 great videos of oscillating fans, box fans and other types of large fan

Watch this video on YouTube. My only objection to Oscillating Fan Youtube is that the subculture fails to provide the model, make and specifications of their fans. Above is 10…

My only objection to Oscillating Fan Youtube is that the subculture fails to provide the model, make and specifications of their fans. Above is 10 hours of a Lakewood. Next up, an hour of a Lasko-brand box fan ("Finally!!!! I found one that sounds right!!!!! Thank you soooooo much!!!!," comments Cateia Jones.)

The Sound of a Box Fan 60mins "Sleep Sounds" ASMR

Here's a roaring, full-spectrum fan sound that I suspect has had a lot of processing done to it (or is entirely synthetic) despite being presented as a "classic fan sound."

Perfect Fan White Noise | For Sleeping, Studying, Insomnia | 10 Hours Sleep Sounds

This one, "a recording of this soothing desk fan," has an entirely different quality, with a lot of bass and a peculiar phased sound.

Sleep to Soothing Fan Sounds | Also helps you study! | 10 hours brown noise

This one's supposedly a "vintage" fan, with a warmer, golden quality. (You can replicate this effect on modern fans by drawing a line around the edge with a green marker.)

Vintage Fan = White Noise Relaxation | 10 Hours Fan Sounds for Sleep, Studying

Here's an authentic, small-bore Honeywell with little rasping ribbons tied to it. Who on earth wants that? Jesus christ.

Here's another Lakewood. A suspiciously similar Lakewood. I want you, dear reader, to imagine a world where youtubers gank one anothers' 10 hour videos of oscillating fans. Is that a world you want to be awake in?

Oscillating Fan - Best Fan Noise (3 Hours)

Here's 10 hours of a relaxing air conditioner unit: "I have always enjoyed hearing the ambient roar of an air conditioner while I'm filing asleep, so I decided to record mine and upload it. Enjoy :]"

Air Conditioner - 10 hours of relaxing ambient sounds asmr

BONUS!!! Here's 8 full hours of an old-timey Conair bonnet hair dryer. As a small child, I was always intrigued by the row of these at mum's hair salon, and jealous of the elderly ladies who got to sit in them. Now I can live my dream, sort of.