KFC chicken shortage blamed on DHL

DHL has been shipping and losing packages for close to 50 years. Earlier this week, it became clear that their half century of shipping knowledge doesn't extend to poultry as…

DHL has been shipping and losing packages for close to 50 years.

Earlier this week, it became clear that their half century of shipping knowledge doesn't extend to poultry as they'd screwed up Kentucky Fried Chicken's supply chain in the United Kingdom so bad that the company was forced to shutter around two-thirds of their restaurants, as no chickens had been delivered. Apparently, DHL isn't satisfied with simply failing to deliver chickens to their finger lickin' good customer: a report from the Guardian suggests that, thanks to an Olympic level of incompetence on the part of the courier, chickens destined for the UK's KFC restaurants may have to be thrown out.

According to The Guardian, DHL, who took over KFC's UK supply chain management last week, has been keeping chickens destined for use at the fast food chain's restaurants in an unregistered cold storage warehouse. That's a problem: As the warehouse hasn't been registered with local health authorities, it wouldn't have been inspected to ensure that it was storing KFC's poultry in a way that complies with health regulations. As a result, there's a good chance that the chickens will need to be thrown out.Honestly, this is some genius level strategy on DHL's part: you can't be accused of not shipping chickens if all of the birds have to be tossed in the trash.

Interestingly, this isn't DHL's first clusterfuck rodeo. Six years ago, Burger King experienced similar issues after entrusting their supply chain to the shipping company.

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