Diver attempting to swim in ash-covered lake

Ash!! Watch this video on YouTube. It's like something from an expedition to an alien world: "scuba diver attempts to swim in Argentina's Nahuel Huapi Lake, which has been recently…

It's like something from an expedition to an alien world: "scuba diver attempts to swim in Argentina's Nahuel Huapi Lake, which has been recently covered in ash after the eruption of the Puyehue Volcano in nearby Chile."

The eruption was in 2011. Here's higher-quality video (with loudly clipping wind noise) of the undulating blanket of ash atop the waves:

Orilla del lago Nahuel Huapi, Bariloche, ceniza volcán Puyehue

Here's a clip of ash and pumice washing ashore:

Pumice and ash floating on Lake Nahuel Huapi, Bariloche, Argentina

Here's what Nahuel Huapi normally looks like:

Here's a lake covered in dogs: