Watch this artist create photorealistic embroidery portraits

Verso is a lovely documentary about embroidery artist Cayce Zavaglia (previously), who creates beautiful portraits via embroidery. As she tells filmmaker Jesse Brass: "I can't do portraits of people that…

Verso is a lovely documentary about embroidery artist Cayce Zavaglia (previously), who creates beautiful portraits via embroidery.

As she tells filmmaker Jesse Brass:

"I can't do portraits of people that I'm not connected to. I think there's something about doing people that I know intimately, that puts something in the portrait that I can't put into words … or I don't want to put into words, because I want to keep it private. But making the portrait, says everything that I can't say with words."

It's really interesting to see the back of her work (hence the title), because in embroidery circles, there's a big debate over how the back of a piece should look.

Verso (Vimeo / Jesse Brass)