Leaked Equifax documents provided to US Senate reveal that they dumped all our drivers' licenses, too, but Equifax says it's OK, so…

A leaked set of disclosures made by Equifax to the US Senate have revealed that the breach of 145.5 million Americans' sensitive financial data was even worse than suspected to…

A leaked set of disclosures made by Equifax to the US Senate have revealed that the breach of 145.5 million Americans' sensitive financial data was even worse than suspected to date: in addition to data like full legal names, dates of birth, Social Security Numbers, and home addresses, it appears that Equifax also breached drivers' license numbers and issue-dates.

Equifax seems to acknowledge that drivers' licenses were included in the breach, but claims that its failure to mention this up until now does not present any kind of problem, as its disclosures to date were "not exhaustive" — a self-evident statement, in retrospect.

Equifax spokesperson Meredith Griffanti told CNNMoney Friday that the original list of vulnerable personal information was never intended to represent the full list of potentiality exposed information.

The Equifax hack could be worse than we thought [Donna Borak and Kathryn Vasel/CNN Money]

(Image: Doug Coldwell, CC-BY)