Baptist News: Evangelicals have killed Christianity in America

Writing in the Baptist News, Miguel De La Torre — a progressive professor at Denver's Iliff School of Theology — denounces evangelicals who "forgive" Trump for his myriad sins and…

Writing in the Baptist News, Miguel De La Torre — a progressive professor at Denver's Iliff School of Theology — denounces evangelicals who "forgive" Trump for his myriad sins and support child-molesters like Roy Moore, saying that they embrace a faith that "fuses and confuses white supremacy with salvation."

De La Torre says that the "Prosperity Gospel" is incompatible with the teachings of Christ: "Christianity at a profit is an abomination before all that is Holy." He goes on to condemn homophobia, racism, xenophobia, as un-Christian, saying "the Evangelicals’ Jesus is satanic."

Evangelicalism’s unholy marriage to the Prosperity Gospel justifies multi-millionaire bilkers wearing holy vestments made of sheep’s clothing who discovered being profiteers rather than prophets delivers an earthly security never promised by the One in whose name they slaughter those who are hungry, thirsty and naked, and the alien among them. Christianity at a profit is an abomination before all that is Holy. From their gilded pedestals erected in white centers of wealth and power, they gaslight all to believe they are the ones being persecuted because of their faith.

Evangelicalism’s embrace of a new age of ignorance, blames homosexuality for Harvey’s rage rather than considering the scientific consequences climate change has on the number of increasing storms of greater and greater ferocity. To ignore the damage caused to God’s creation so the few can profit in raping Mother Earth causes celebrations in the fiery pits of Gehenna.

Evangelicalism forsakes holding a sexual predator, an adulterer, a liar and a racist accountable, instead serving as a shield against those who question POTUS’ immorality because of some warped reincarnation of Cyrus. Laying holy hands upon the incarnation of the very vices Jesus condemned to advance a political agenda — instead of rebuking and chastising in loving prayer — has prostituted the gospel in exchange for the victory of a Supreme Court pick.

The death of Christianity in the U.S. [Miguel De La Torre/Baptist News]

(via Naked Capitalism)