A podcast where a straight white man listens to people from different walks of life

Straight White Guy Listening - Kelsey

Straight White Guy Listening - Kelsey Watch this video on YouTube. Straight White Guy Listening is an experimental five-part mini-documentary and podcast series where host Graham High (the straight white…

Straight White Guy Listening is an experimental five-part mini-documentary and podcast series where host Graham High (the straight white guy) interviews folks who are different from himself.

These earnest and conversational interviews explore contemporary topics with an emphasis on empathy. The host refrains from defensive commentary and, instead, actively listens, creating a space for the guests to explain their point of view without reproach. The show’s goal is to both create a platform for disenfranchised voices and to explore the act of listening.

In the first episode, Graham starts by going to San Francisco to learn about active listening skills from Dr. Kelsey Crowe, an empathy expert and co-author of There is No Good Card For This.

With his new skills, Graham heads to Sacramento to talk with Konnor, transgender man of color:

Straight White Guy Listening - Konnor

Full podcasts can be found here: episode 1, episode 2. And, of course, more are coming.