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Burger King's Net Neutrality/Whopper Neutrality video is surprisingly excellent and says something about mainstreaming of net policy

Burger King | Whopper Neutrality

Burger King’s video on “Whopper Neutrality” (see Carla’s earlier post) — an analogy to explain Net Neutrality that’s also obviously a marketing campaign for Burger King — is a surprisingly great explainer, but even more importantly, it’s an important bellwether for corporate America’s perception of public support for Net Neutrality.

It’s unheard of for middle-of-the-road, please-everyone corporations like Burger King to take sides in controversial policy fights (exceptions, like Chick-Fil-A’s public, prominent homophobia, are noteworthy because they’re so rare and were such a disaster for the company). When your customer base is sufficiently broad, any stance you take will cost you as many customers as it will win you, after all.

But Net Neutrality enjoys farcically high support — 83%! — and virtually the only “persons” who oppose Net Neutrality are bots and media corporations, and they don’t buy hamburgers.

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