TWANG! A one-dimensional dungeon-crawler that uses a springy doorstop as a controller

TWANG: A 1D Arduino based dungeon crawler Watch this video on YouTube. Robin Baumgarten's Line Wobbler is an incredibly clever dungeon crawler game based on a single, one-dimensional line of…

TWANG: A 1D Arduino based dungeon crawler

Robin Baumgarten's Line Wobbler is an incredibly clever dungeon crawler game based on a single, one-dimensional line of lights, traditionally implemented as large-scale, high-priced public art installations.

In 2015, Critters decided he wanted to make his own homebrew Line Wobbler clone; he knew he could implement the light-strip with a cheap, programmable strip of Christmas lights, but for the controller, he hacked a little accelerometer into a springy doorstop (instead of the original's bespoke spring-loaded wand), so that players could trigger the game's attack-mode by twanging the doorstop.

He's posted the STL files to 3D print your own joystick base, and sourcecode to mod your own version of the game.

It's a very versatile game! Later in 2015, Critters reimplemented it at house scale, turning his home's Christmas lights into a giant, playable video game!

TWANG: Scaling up to the size of a house


DIY Dungeon Crawler Game Plays on Single LED Strip [Donald Papp/Hackaday]