A Japanese promoter has launched Kasotsuka Shojo, a cryptocurrency-themed all-woman "cryptopop" group

仮想通貨少女「月と仮想通貨と私」2サビまで Watch this video on YouTube. The latest launch from Japanese entertainment corporation Cinderella Academy is Kasotsuka Shojo "Virtual Currency Girls," who are billed as the first cryptopop band. Each…


The latest launch from Japanese entertainment corporation Cinderella Academy is Kasotsuka Shojo "Virtual Currency Girls," who are billed as the first cryptopop band.

Each member of the group wears a fur-fringed mask that symbolizes a different cryptocurrency.

It's quite the Neal Stephenson mashup, really: Snow Crash's Sushi K meets Cryptonomicon.

Payment for the Virtual Currency Girls debut concert Friday (Jan. 12) in Tokyo will only be accepted via cryptocurrencies, according to the band’s official site (link in Japanese). The group’s first song, “The Moon and Virtual Currencies and Me,” appears to take its inspiration from the warnings issued by various regulators in recent weeks—it’s a lecture on online security and watching out for fraudulent crypto businesses. Listen for yourself:

The world now has a cryptocurrency pop group [Zheping Huang/Quartz]

(via WELL State of the World)