Old school punk rockers' message to young'uns: 'Fuck Youth'

"Fuck Youth" by Superbean

"Fuck Youth" by Superbean Watch this video on YouTube. Punk rock never dies. Neither has the Los Angeles power-pop punk trio Superbean (formerly "Bean" in the 1990s) and they want…

Punk rock never dies.

Neither has the Los Angeles power-pop punk trio Superbean (formerly "Bean" in the 1990s) and they want the youth of today to know it.

With their latest music video and song, "Fuck Youth," these old schoolers show the kids how its done and explain why they're superior.

Here's a taste of the lyrics:

Kids today look so stupid

Texting texting texting all the time


When I was their age I didn't have a cell phone

When they get older they will know the truth


The band's 51-year-old guitarist Steve Moramarco told HuffPost that "he’s 'not anti-youth,' but 'Fuck Youth' is the type of song every generation sings:"

“In the old days punk rock was about the kids, the ‘wild youth’ in the streets… Today all the punks are old and it’s the kids that are the problem.”

He furthers:

“I see kids today wearing the same t-shirts of punk bands I wore when I was growing up,” he said. “They know their bands suck and ours rule.”

The single is off their new album Shit Show, which is available now.