Trump spokesdroid Stephen Miller had to be removed from studio by CNN security

Tapper cuts off Trump adviser interview: I've wasted enough of my viewers' time

Tapper cuts off Trump adviser interview: I've wasted enough of my viewers' time Watch this video on YouTube. Stephen Miller, dark lord of the Uncanny Valley, experienced a major system…

Stephen Miller, dark lord of the Uncanny Valley, experienced a major system failure on Jake Tapper's CNN show on Sunday. After refusing to answer Tapper's questions about Trump's latest twittertantrum or Donald Jr's meeting with Russian operatives, Miller tried to deliver a script about his master's unpeered intellect. Bored and disgusted, Tapper cut the interview short. Viewers missed the best part, though — afterwards, Miller violated Asimov's laws for robots by refusing to obey humans' orders to vacate the premises. Security was called to remove the broken droid from the studio.

From CNN:

Two sources close to the situation told Business Insider that after the taping was done Miller was asked to leave several times.

He ignored those requests and ultimately security was called and he was escorted out, the sources said.