Visitors navigate massive sculpture of swinging pendulums


NOWHERE AND EVERYWHERE AT THE SAME TIME, NO.2 - William Forsythe Watch this video on YouTube. William Forsythe created this choreographed installation titled Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time,…

William Forsythe created this choreographed installation titled Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time, No. 2.

The original piece from 2005 explored similar themes and reveals the meaning behind the title:

Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time is how blind french resistance fighter Jacques Lusseyran described the internal mental space where he envisioned forms and ideas. In equal measure, this phrase can also refer to the omnipresent field of gravity. In the cavernous space of the empty a group of performers orient themselves amidst a profusion of hanging pendulums, exploring the kinetic and metaphoric potentials of both of these multivalent landscapes. Their persistent inquiry results in interpretations both personal and scientific, crazed and categorical.

As an aside, Lusseyran is an interesting figure who survived being held for two years at Buchenwald. Here's an excerpt from his memoir And Then There Was Light.

Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time, No. 2
(YouTube / Choreographic Objects via Colossal)