'Creep Sheet' keeps track of public figures accused of sexual misconduct

We now live in a world where new accusations of sexual harassment and/or assault get dropped on the daily. Because it was getting hard to keep track of, D.C. web…

We now live in a world where new accusations of sexual harassment and/or assault get dropped on the daily. Because it was getting hard to keep track of, D.C. web designer Chris Herbert created The Creep Sheet, the "most complete list" of accused public figures.

We list accusations that have been published in credible, mainstream publications. Please note that in most cases, the allegations listed here have not been proved or disproved in court proceedings.

For me, there were some surprise names on the list, like Mariah Carey (sexual harassment) and former president Ronald Reagan (rape).

Herbert has also created a "By the Numbers" page:

Previously: Find out if anyone tied to the films or TV shows you watch is accused of sexual misconduct by searching 'Rotten Apples'

screenshots via The Creep Sheet