Lucky Shot's .308 Real Bullet hand-blown Shot Glass (Amazon), we are assured, "does not contain gunpowder or lead residue," making them safe to drink from. Described as the "ultimate gift," not without unnerving connotation. They also make tumblers and pint glasses, but, come now… shot glass.
Shot glass with a real bullet in it

Lucky Shot's .308 Real Bullet hand-blown Shot Glass (Amazon), we are assured, "does not contain gunpowder or lead residue," making them safe to drink from. Described as the "ultimate gift,"…
- bullets
- gifts
- housewares
- stocking stuffers
"Go Away" doormat
The handsome and timely "Go Away" Doormat [Amazon] is made of coconut fibers and described as "environmentally" friendly if not particularly friendly in other respects. As death's hand knocks louder,… READ THE REST
Tactical toilet paper
Wipe away the coronapocalypse in stealthy style with Renova black toilet paper [Amazon], your everyday carry for the virus crisis. With 140 "very soft and absorbent" 3-ply sheets per 100%… READ THE REST
Artisanal plastic crates
Congratulations, shoppers! You can order plastic crates in beautiful pastel colors at significantly inflated prices. Available in large, medium or small. [Goodhoodstore via dieworkwear] These look very similar indeed to… READ THE REST
Short Post, just one paragraph
Dessert cheesecake wafer bear claw fruitcake. Fruitcake chupa chups donut candy canes marzipan. Apple pie sweet roll tart chocolate cake macaroon marshmallow carrot cake gummi bears sweet. Pastry sugar plum… READ THE REST
Save 50% on a 1-year subscription to Dashlane's premium password manager
We all know vital information about ourselves and our private digital accounts can be compromised by cybercriminals. However, many would be frightened to know just how compromised they and their… READ THE REST
The Bite Helper removes the itch of a mosquito bite in seconds
While mosquitoes have certainly earned their title as the deadliest animal on earth, their impact on most of our lives is usually a lot less consequential. But even though they… READ THE REST