Watch rescue video of puppies trapped in a pool of tar. It has a happy ending.

Stuck for hours in rock-solid tar, puppies rescued. Watch til the end.

Stuck for hours in rock-solid tar, puppies rescued. Watch til the end. Watch this video on YouTube. In Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, three puppies were immobilized in a pool of tar.…

In Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, three puppies were immobilized in a pool of tar. Fortunately, someone called Animal Aid, an organization that rescues and treats street animals.

Prying them loose was impossible for the tense rescue team, so we had to cut the tar loose from the rocks below and bring the puppies and the tar and gravel they were stuck in back to the hospital. Determined volunteers and staff spent hours to soften the tar with oil and dishsoap, with time out only to plant kisses on the puppies’ noses. Multiple warm baths later…and wow. For babies who had been on the brink of death, this is what happiness looks like.