Protesters flood the Senate, calling for a delay in voting on the GOP tax plan until new Alabama Senator Doug Jones is seated

When Massachusetts GOP Senator Scott Brown was elected in a 2010 special election, Senate Democrats agreed to delay a key vote on health care reform until he could be seated, so that the vote would be held by elected officials, not the appointed lame duck who was sitting in the seat that Brown was about to occupy.

Now, Democrats and activists are calling on the GOP to preserve this democratic fundamental and delay an upcoming vote on the GOP tax plan until newly elected Alabama Senator Doug Jones can replace the appointed lame duck Luther Strange in the Senate.

The GOP will almost certainly tell Democrats to go fuck themselves, despite their insistence on observing the imaginary rule that allowed them to steal Merrick Garland's Supreme Court seat and hand it to one of the minor characters from The Handmaid's Tale.

So protestors have flooded the Senate, chanting "No Jones, no vote!"

The party that has had full control of Congress and the White House for nearly a year — and yet has still failed to pass a single significant piece of legislation — is going to have an ever harder time now, thanks to the stunning election of Democrat Doug Jones in Alabama this week.

So, in a state of complete panic, House and Senate Republicans rushed on Wednesday to cobble together a secret deal so they can vote next week on their deeply unpopular tax hike on the middle class.

Democrats have called on them to delay their vote until Jones is seated. It certainly seems like the right thing to do, and it’s what Democrats did in 2010 after Scott Brown won the special election in Massachusetts, delaying a vote on health care until Brown was sworn in.

But of course Republicans have demonstrated zero interest in doing the right thing and are rushing full speed ahead they can.

“No Jones? No Vote.” Americans flood Senate halls to stop GOP from ramming tax bill [Kaili Joy Gray/Share Blue]

(via Late Stage Capitalism)

(Image: Ben Wikler/Twitter)