Improv Everywhere 'lights up' random New Yorker's sentimental holiday messages on a 30-foot screen

Light Up Someone's Holiday

Light Up Someone's Holiday Watch this video on YouTube. "Light Up Someone's Holiday" is Improv Everywhere's latest mission and it's a heartwarming one. …We created a custom-built set that allowed…

"Light Up Someone's Holiday" is Improv Everywhere's latest mission and it's a heartwarming one.

…We created a custom-built set that allowed random New Yorkers to instantly deliver a card and light up someone’s holiday. Participants were surprised as Christmas lights lit up the plaza and their message was displayed on a 30-foot wide screen above.

This project is a collaboration with Hallmark, who provided us with an assortment of Hallmark Signature Cards for the project.

See how they pulled off this stunt on their blog.