Trump's Oklahoma campaign manager, who once introduced an anti-immigrant law to "stop sex trafficking of children," admits to trafficking young boy for sex

Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Ralph Shortey has resigned after pleading guilty to trafficking a teenaged boy for sex; when Shortey was serving as Trump's Oklahoma campaign manager, he introduced an anti-sanctuary cities bill, claiming that immigrants trafficked their children for sex.

Shortey's plea bargain got the prosecutors to drop three child pornography charges against him.

According to The Oklahoman, Shortey was found in a hotel room with a teenage boy on March 9. A subsequent investigation by local and federal officials revealed a series of text messages in which Shortey offered to pay the teen in exchange for “sexual stuff.”

The victim later “confirmed that he and Shortey intended to have sexual contact and that they had agreed Shortey would pay him for the contact,” the paper reported, citing a court affidavit…

“When you incentivize illegal immigration, you incentivize a lot of bad things,” Shortey told NBC affiliate 4-KFOR. “There’s a trail of death from Honduras to the United States of America, and the families are giving their children and others over to coyotes and to human traffickers.”

Trump campaign chair trafficked kids for sex after accusing immigrants of doing the same
[Caroline Orr/Shareblue]

(Image: Trump's Hair)