More Gadsden residents recall Roy "Banned from the Mall" Moore's reputation for troubling teen girls

Yesterday, The New Yorker reported that conservative Republican Roy Moore was once banned from the mall in his hometown of Gadsden, Alabama, such was his predilection for badgering teens there.…

Yesterday, The New Yorker reported that conservative Republican Roy Moore was once banned from the mall in his hometown of Gadsden, Alabama, such was his predilection for badgering teens there. But it's local media that has the full story, with named sources, exposing the full extent of Moore's reputation for hitting on little girls.

From The Birmingham News:

Roy Moore's penchant for flirting with teen girls was "common knowledge" and "not a big secret" around Gadsden, according to some area residents. …

"These stories have been going around this town for 30 years," said Blake Usry, who grew up in the area and lives in Gadsden. "Nobody could believe they hadn't come out yet."

Usry, a traveling nurse, said he knew several of the girls that Moore tried to flirt with.

"It's not a big secret in this town about Roy Moore," he said. "That's why it's sort of frustrating to watch" the public disbelieve the women who have come forward, he said.