The Animation Dome

My inventor friend Les Cookson, just reached out and shared his new project with me: The Animation Dome. As usual, Les has created something that we’ll want to play with—and…

My inventor friend Les Cookson, just reached out and shared his new project with me: The Animation Dome. As usual, Les has created something that we’ll want to play with—and as with all his projects, it's inspired by a technology designed over 150 years ago: the Zoetrope. His tool takes the traditional 2D animation illusion into the third dimension.  

The ANIMATION DOME: bring imagination to life!

The dome is a great art creation tool and is obviously the logical gateway to creating warm-hearted Burning Man favorites such as Peter Hudson’s Charon.

Burning Man 2011: Charon ~ by Peter Hudson

And his art imitates life classic, Tantalus.

3d zoetrope Peter Hudson's 2008 "Tantalus" Shot by Jason Tongen

If you like the Animation Dome, check out Les’s other creative products at Ancient Magic Art Tools.

He is the man with the animation plan!

The Animation Dome [Kickstarter]