Watch gentleman's fright after he taps on shark screen that had warning signs What happens when you tap on a screen pretending to be a shark aquarium with signs that say "Touch at your risk"? For one bold gentleman, who decided to…

What happens when you tap on a screen pretending to be a shark aquarium with signs that say "Touch at your risk"? For one bold gentleman, who decided to take a risk and tapped away at the screen, the fake shark attack at the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C. gave him such a shock he flew back, landed on his butt, grabbed his chest, and opened his mouth as if he were about to scream.

According to Huffington Post:

The display is part of a museum exhibit called “Earth Redesigned.” The show includes the vision of fictional character Karl Stromberg of the James Bond book and film “The Spy Who Loved Me,” and his ideas about a post-apocalyptic war world beneath the sea.

“What would Stromberg’s world be like?” the museum asks on the display’s webpage. “Find out as you experience the residents in our virtual shark tank … but be careful — you never know when one might attack!”