My adult novels are being reissued with covers to match Walkaway!

When I first saw Will Stahle's cover art for my novel Walkaway, I was pleased beyond all reason (and not least because I am an unabashed Stahle fanboy, as he…

When I first saw Will Stahle's cover art for my novel Walkaway, I was pleased beyond all reason (and not least because I am an unabashed Stahle fanboy, as he is behind some of the greatest covers of our era, from Yiddish Policeman's Union to Autonomous to A Darker Shade of Magic to All the Birds in the Sky).

Then, incredibly, it got even better. My publisher told me they were going to reissue my adult backlist in matching livery to coincide with the Walkaway paperback, with Stahle covers for Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town, Rapture of the Nerds, Makers, Eastern Standard Tribe, and Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom.

Truly, the only thing better than one Stahle cover is six of them. They'll be available on May 22, 2018.