Lawyer uses “too fat” defense to try and help client stay out of prison

A Florida attorney filed a petition saying a nearly six-and-a-half year prison term would eat up most of his client’s time left to live, due to the client’s large weight.…

A Florida attorney filed a petition saying a nearly six-and-a-half year prison term would eat up most of his client’s time left to live, due to the client’s large weight.

Attorney Curtis Fallgatter somehow calculated his client Stephen Donaldson Sr., 72, who was recently convicted for marketing an offshore tax shelter scheme that cost the IRS nearly $10 million, would spend 61 percent of his remaining life-years in prison since he is only 5-foot-9 and weighs 273 pounds, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

Fallgatter did not use the strange weight excuse for his other Tampa Bay client, who was sentenced to four years and six months in prison.

Unfortunately for Donaldson, if his petition is granted and the sentence is overturned, he misses his opportunity to gain a sweet prison bod.

Image: Adam Jones, Ph.D.