Halloween Gift Guide

♬ Darkness falls across the land ♩ ♪ The midnight hour is close at hand.♫ ♩Creatures crawl in search of blood ♬ ? To terrorize y’all’s neighborhood ? ♫ And…

♬ Darkness falls across the land ♩

♪ The midnight hour is close at hand.♫

♩Creatures crawl in search of blood ♬

? To terrorize y’all’s neighborhood ?

♫ And whosoever shall be found ♬

♬ With the cash for getting down ♩

♬Will enjoy our Halloween Gift Guide… ?

     ? …And stay alive where others died ?

Skull Table RunnerA handsome 14×72" graphic banner that can be used for any number of pirate parties, Halloween hoedowns, or other dark festivities.


Halloween Cat Favor BoxesFor your favorite trick-or-treaters, fill these 3.25-inch cubes with high-quality confectionery treats.


Digital Halloween DecorAt the Boing Boing store, we're proud to offer these spooky holiday decorations. They go in your window, startling passers-by. Now you too can frighten the neighbors without all the legal complications that come from standing there at the window naked in the dark.


Super creepy PVC Scooby Doo maskThis creepy Scooby Doo mask is both made of PVC and rather disturbing! Liven up your office party, or even better your spouses.


Bag of 500 Self-Adhesive Googly EyesIf only you could see what I’ve seen with your googly eyes.


Four anatomical models you assemble from 132 anatomically correct sub-componentsThe $45.28 Learning Resources Anatomy Models Bundle Set is a well-reviewed set of anatomical models: a 5" heart, a 3.75" brain, a 4.5" body and a 9.2" skeleton, all of which disassemble into anatomically correct sub-components that you assemble into the finished pieces.


Five fucking pounds of candy cornI've heard from some folks they love candy corn when it is stale. They'll be thrilled with this 5lb bag.


Dia De Los Muertos Skull SwirliesThis 30-piece Day of the Dead decoration kit includes skulls and swirls in festive foils, and transforms any room or outdoor space within minutes of easy assembly.


Twelve cans of Barbisol shaving creme (sewing needle and lighter not included)This halloween? Relive your youth! Prep a few cans of Barbisol for battle! Wait for those annoying parents who can't pick their kid up from a traffic circle to pass by the bush you've always thought would be a great spot for an ambush, then rain soap upon their parade!


Splorch ovipositorFor when you want to role-play stern schwa and sweet, submissive Whitley Streiber; comes in two models but the $120-130 Splorch is the clear winner.


It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (Remastered Deluxe Edition)More than a half-century since it first aired, Linus is still waiting for the Great Pumpkin to rise "out of his pumpkin patch and flies through the air with his bag of toys for all the children,” Snoopy continues his battle with the Red Baron, and Charlie Brown can’t get a break. A masterpiece of animated television that, like the Peanuts gang, never gets old.


Articulating lowpoly skull maskWintercroft offers this devilish DIY maskmaking kit (and more like it) for just $6 on Etsy: "Sometimes, we've just got to take life (or death) by the horns and do something a little different. The Horned Skull Mask takes our favourite symbol of warning, mortality, anarchy and independence and ups the ante with a pair of horns and a moving mandible."


Lion mane for your catThis also looks very silly on small dogs.


Nightmare-black Nitrile Exam GlovesMatte black nitrile gloves for cleaning up around the house, or whatever creepy stuff people do with


Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: The Book of Scary Urban Legends by Jan Harold BrunvandBrunvand, the iconic professor of urban legends, compiled some of the greatest and grisliest tales of contemporary folklore into one book and wrapped them in compelling context. It’s a wonderfully creepy collection of modern myths, except of course for the story about the teenagers in the parked car who narrowly escaped the hook-armed maniac. That totally happened to my brother’s friend’s cousin and her prom date.


Sugar Skull DucktapeA lovely holiday variant of everyone's favorite fix-all.


Vintage Halloween Scene Bobbing Apples Pill Box Pill CaseIf you've recently purchased some esoteric research chemicals over the dark web and have been at a loss as to where to store them, this is for you.


Spider Web Thigh High StockingsThese unisex stockings can complement any costume, or can be worn on their own for a costume everyone will appreciate.


John Carpenter Anthology: Movie Themes 1974-1998Carpenter didn’t just direct some of the most iconic scary movies of the latter 20th century, he also scored them. The themes from Halloween, The Fog, The Thing, and They Live make for a fantastically groovy soundtrack for your own horror house. Available on vinyl for those who dare and CD or digital download for those who don’t.


Ouija Planchette Lapel PinSummon Captain Howdy on-the-go with this cartoon occult ceramic pin.


White Walker Halloween costumeDescribed as a "sexy white walker" Halloween outfit, this also doubles as a terrifyingly realistic costume of Sir Jimmy Savile in his current state of repose. It's $150 and comes in four sizes.


Pumpkin NecklaceThere's a lot of cheap tatty Halloween jewelry to be found, but ForTheCross's offers year-round quality at a reasonable price. This necklace, for example, comes in under $40.


My Favorite Thing is Monsters: a haunting diary of a young girl as a dazzling graphic novelEmil Ferris's graphic novel debut My Favorite Thing is Monsters may just be the best graphic novel of 2017, and is certainly the best debut I've read in the genre, and it virtually defies summarizing: Karen is a young girl in a rough Chicago neighborhood is obsessed with monsters and synthesia, is outcast among her friends, is queer, is torn apart by the assassination of Martin Luther King, by her mother's terminal illness, by the murder of the upstairs neighbor, a beautiful and broken Holocaust survivor, by her love for her Vietnam-draft-eligible brother and her love of fine art. It's a tribute to — and critique of — the classic monster comics and magazines of the era, which Karen is obsessed with, and through whose visual styles her story is told. It's a tribute to fine art and the pieces hanging in the galleries and museums of Chicago where Karen and her mysterious, womanizing, tattooed older brother Deeze brings her. It's a complicated story about friendship among girls, about gender identity and queerness, about family.


Liquid AssInvented by a high school prankster with a chemistry set, it’s described as smelling like a fine combination of "butt crack, kind of a sewer smell with a hint of dead animal.” Don’t buy this. But do know that it exists.


Animatronic, maniacally giggling spooky eyeball doorbellWhen you press the button, the eyelid flips open and a green, glowing, bloodshot eyeball peers around while one of several spooky recordings welcomes your visitors. It is surprisingly well-styled and the audio is surprisingly cool for a seemingly generic crapgadget, and I'm already scheming a teardown after 31st to see if I can program it with my own little recordings.


Ancestor Paper DollsFROM Tim Holtz, clipped vintage portraits that can be used to make collage greetings or party decorations, or added to a Day of the Dead art-altar.


Satan Loves Me T-ShirtA great way to remember who to thank on the most devilish of holidays.


Goth Cotton SwabsThey’re basically really good quality ‘Q-tip’ swabs, with spiral heads, and they’re all black.


Skullcap Tee ShirtDesigned by Sarina Frauenfelder, this scary scull is topped out with our classic logo and terrifies your friends with its spooky, staring eyes. $20 shipped.


Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" – the pop-up book editionPelham and Wormell have serious pop-up/illustrated book chops. The seven pop-up effects they've prepared for this edition are extremely beautiful, and lend themselves to being "animated" by the reader — for example, you can flap the Raven's wings in time with the "Nevermore's"or have Edgar throw wide his chamber's door at the precise moment you say, "here I opened wide the door."Poe's words are hidden on each page, nestled in fold-up/fold-down tabs that you have to open after each reveal, and as I read this to my 9-year-old daughter Poesy (it's not a coincidence that we call her "Poe"for short — EA Poe is one of her namesakes), the double-reveal of the pop-up (not a dud among them) and the prose made for an extra bit of drama.


Bone-shaped battery chargerIt's a bit of a reach, but it's the only other thing in our official store that's remotely Halloweeny. (We're all out of 99%-off lifetime subscriptions to Hell, but you can get one of those for free by voting Republican in next year's midterm elections)