Gwyneth Paltrow on Harvey Weinstein in 1998: "He will coerce you"

Gwyneth Paltrow and Dave on Harvey Weinstein, Late Show, November 25, 1998

Gwyneth Paltrow and Dave on Harvey Weinstein, Late Show, November 25, 1998 Watch this video on YouTube. In plain sight, for decades! Though Weinstein's targets were women rather than children,…

In plain sight, for decades! Though Weinstein's targets were women rather than children, the way power and silence worked for him reminds me of UK entertainer Jimmy Savile, who occupied a similarly dark-yet-obvious position in the firmament of leering celebrity sociopaths. The way everyone knew. The way people would blurt it out in inferences, uncomfortable jokes, and off-kilter quips. The way Letterman fawns ("Thank God for Harvey") when he realizes he just got too close ("I'm fed up with Harvey's behavior"). These interactions now make Paltrow and Letterman, like Seth McFarlane, targets for criticism. But I'm not sure it's fair because it's not as if anyone else was saying anything, and fear was presumably why they didn't say more.