All-female drag racing team from the 1950s

The Dragettes were a Kansas City drag racing team that operated out of the legendary Kansas City Timing Association drag strip. They preferred souped-up convertibles over hot rods. LIFE magazine's…

The Dragettes were a Kansas City drag racing team that operated out of the legendary Kansas City Timing Association drag strip. They preferred souped-up convertibles over hot rods. LIFE magazine's Francis Miller showcased them in a lovely series in 1955.

Those interested in the world of local drag racing after World War II should check out Tommy Lee Byrd and Scotty Gosson's series Lost Drag Strips. Gosson noted that between runs, the Dragettes also ran the KCTA snack bar, and they'd kiss their young children before runs for good luck.

Lost Drag Strips: Ghosts of Quarter Miles Past

Lost Drag Strips II: More Ghosts of Quarter-Miles Past

You can buy framed images of Miller's work on the LIFE site.

Kansas City'S All-Girl Hotrod Club (LIFE via Google)