Ott is crowdfunding Skylon on double vinyl

Ott - The Queen Of All Everything

Ott - The Queen Of All Everything Watch this video on YouTube. Ott's Skylon ranks among the century's great psychedelic chillout albums, and now it's set to come out as…

Ott's Skylon ranks among the century's great psychedelic chillout albums, and now it's set to come out as a double vinyl. Get in on the Kickstarter for box sets and more.

Some back story from Ott:

I'd already made Hallucinogen In Dub and Blumenkraft and they had both been received very positively, but I was unsure where to go next. Should I just do more of the same or was it time to branch out and do something different? Should I consider the expectations of my audience and try to give them what they want, or shoot off on a tangent and do something unexpected?

I was beset with indecision, totally overthinking it, and before I knew it five years had slipped past. During that time I met my wife, got married, became a dad and went to live in Spain.

In the background, however, I was constantly making music. A song here, a song there, some of which took years between starting and finishing. Eventually I realised that, regardless of my intentions, the music was going to take its own course. I had to be there to turn the knobs and push the buttons, but it pretty much wrote itself.

Ott – 'Skylon' on highest-quality double vinyl. (Kickstarter / Ott)