Albino orangutan will share her own forest island with two friends

Albino Orangutan - Rare Species

Albino Orangutan - Rare Species Watch this video on YouTube. Alba is the only known albino orangutan. She was rescued by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation after being held in…

Alba is the only known albino orangutan. She was rescued by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation after being held in captivity, where she suffered from dehydration and parasites. Now BOSF plans to build a special sanctuary just for her and two orangutans with whom she's bonded.

Via ABC News:

Spokesman Nico Hermanu said the foundation is starting a public appeal to raise $80,000 needed to buy land for the special reserve near its orangutan rehabilitation center in central Kalimantan on the giant island of Borneo.

"To ensure that Alba can live a free and fulfilling life we are making her a forest island home, where she can live freely in natural habitat, but protected from threats posed by humans," the foundation said.

Albino Orangutan – Rare Species (YouTube / Wakaleo)