Watch this gentleman break the world duration record for wearing a bee beard

Bee beard world record set in Toronto

Bee beard world record set in Toronto Watch this video on YouTube. Sure, we've all worn a bee beard for a minute or two, but Canada's own Juan Carlos Noguez…

Sure, we've all worn a bee beard for a minute or two, but Canada's own Juan Carlos Noguez Ortiz just broke the Guinness World Record by sitting for more than an hour with a facehive going. Impressive!

Via CBC:

Ortiz, an employee at Dickey Bee Honey Farm in Cookstown, wore a bee beard for 61 minutes on his nose in front of a crowd at Yonge-Dundas Square, beating the previous record of 53 minutes, 34 seconds.

Peter Dickey, the master beekeeper at Dickey Bee Honey Farm, provided the bees for the stunt.

"We brought 100,000 bees with us, so there are more bees with us today than ever. But we brought the gentle ones so that is very important when we are doing bearding," Dickey said.

Bee beard world record set in Toronto (YouTube / CBC News)