The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was inspired by a crowded department store

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Official Remastered Trailer (2014) - Horror Movie HD

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Official Remastered Trailer (2014) - Horror Movie HD Watch this video on YouTube. Pioneering horror filmmaker Tobe Hooper, who died on Saturday, on the source of…

Pioneering horror filmmaker Tobe Hooper, who died on Saturday, on the source of his inspiration for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre:

It came to him, he said, in the hardware department of a Sears-like store during a busy Christmas season, with his low tolerance for crowds as a catalyst.

“I was kind of freaking, just wanted to get out of there, get out of the crowd,” he said in the documentary. “And so I found myself in front of a chain-saw display in the hardware department, and that’s where the idea came from — ‘Well, if I pick this damn thing up and start it, they’ll part like the Red Sea and I can get out of here.’”

"Tobe Hooper, Director of ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre,’ Dies at 74" (New York Times)